Learn modern JavaScript the right way, fully written in ES2015. Learn JavaScript from the absolute beginning and master the core essentials of what a JavaScript developer needs to know. This is a complete introduction to the language.

Author: Todd Motto, Google Developer Expertes2015 javascript
If you’re coming to React Native and you’re

  • New to JavaScript
  • Already familiar with JavaScript but haven’t used ES6/ES2015 features
then you may feel a bit lost at times. The syntax can seem weird, confusing, or sometimes you just don’t know what to look for. I’ve compiled a brief list of the most common ES6 features that I see in React Native apps and tutorials. This is by no means comprehensive but it should at least get you started.es2015 react javascript
A few years ago, I stumbled on a video of somebody making a responsive, real-time web app using something called Meteor.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend giving it a watch. It was pretty amazing and exciting at the time, and sparked a new interest in learning this framework.

At the time I was a PHP developer. I used jQuery in my projects, but I was never serious about JavaScript development. That video changed that and I decided I wanted to branch out and learn JavaScript as well.

So I got started by reading Discover Meteor and building a few apps for fun.

Then Meteor started changing. It opened up to using React and Angular as the front end, rather than the default Blaze template engine.

It also is on its way to becoming a part of the npm ecosystem, and has adopted support of npm packages.

Most recently, the team also switched to using the import system prevalent in ES2015 applications.php es2015 meteor react javascript npm
Generators are a useful tool for handling asynchrony in your JavaScript applications. They were added to JavaScript with ES2015. When applied correctly they allow us to write asynchronous code that looks synchronous.

They also turn one of JavaScripts core paradigms on its head. Contrary to normal functions, generator functions can be paused and resumed at any arbitrary point in time with the yield keyword.

This course will walk you through the basics of generators so you’ll be able to use them in your applications without ripping your hair out!es2015 javascript
Animations are an important part of modern UX, and the Animated library is designed to make them fluid, powerful, and easy to build and maintain.

The simplest workflow is to create an Animated.Value, hook it up to one or more style attributes of an animated component, and then drive updates either via animations, such as Animated.timing, or by hooking into gestures like panning or scrolling via Animated.event. Animated.Value can also bind to props other than style, and can be interpolated as well.es2015 react javascript

A cheatsheet containing ES2015 [ES6] tips, tricks, best practices and code snippet examples for your day to day workflow. Contributions are welcome!es2015
This is an opinionated catalog of open source JS packages.

Libraries come and go. The ecosystem evolves rapidly, and that's a good thing. But it means you can't rely on your bookmarks. Google may not be your best friend either, since it focuses on popular results — established solutions that may not be the best fit for your project.

This website indexes new packages and is updated roughly once per day, by using both automated scripts and manual curation. It is a complete rewrite and grown-up version of React.parts, a tiny project that started a year ago. Even if you are implementing your own solution for your particular problem, this can be a good place to find interesting code to learn from.

I hope this catalog is as useful to you as it is to me.es2015 react redux javascript
We are building Apollo Client — a GraphQL client that helps you fetch data, organize your store, and keep your client state in sync with the server.

In modern web and mobile applications, users often consume endless streams of data. In a way, apps provide a “window” into the vast array of information that a service can provide: posts, photos, comments, messages and more. It’s now a widely-adopted interface to show part of big list on a screen while loading it part by part in the background, giving the user the feeling of navigating seamlessly. This is what developers call “Infinite Scrolling”.es2015 graphql javascript
Real-time subscriptions have been an exciting topic in the GraphQL community almost from the start. Laney Kuenzel has given several talks about Facebook’s internal implementation of subscriptions, and there have been a few community implementations. Unfortunately, a lot of these have been coupled to specific frameworks or application architectures, so it’s been hard for GraphQL subscriptions to take off as a standard.

We wanted to build something anyone can integrate into their servers and clients, without reinventing the common features any implementation would need. That way, as a community we can start building and sharing integrations for different backends, such as Redis, PostgreSQL triggers, Kafka, and more.

That’s why we are shipping an open-source GraphQL subscriptions implementation designed to be as general as possible.es2015 graphql javascript
In less than one year, Walmart.com has completed its migration to React/Node.js and we are proud of that accomplishment! The goal was to build a new application platform to help @WalmartLabs and its engineers scale for the future.

Today, we are excited to announce the open source release of Electrode, the application platform powering Walmart.com.

80 million monthly visitors, loads up to 10,000 requests per second, and 15 million items, adding more than one million new items each month is what Walmart.com’s scale is all about. With an e-commerce business that holds the number two online retailer spot in the U.S., we needed not just to scale Walmart.com, but to really leverage the talent and creativity of our engineering base.es2015 react node
The how and what of JavaScript desktop applications

Desktop applications always had a special place in my heart. Ever since browsers and mobile devices got powerful, there’s been a steady decline of desktop applications which are getting replaced by mobile and web applications. Still, there’s are a lot of upsides to writing desktop applications — they are always present once they’re in your start menu or dock, they’re alt(cmd)-tabbable (I hope that’s a word) and mostly connect better with the underlying operating system (with its shortcuts, notifications, etc) than web applications.

In this article, I’ll try to guide you through the process of building a simple desktop application and touch on important concepts for building desktop application with JavaScript.es2015 test javascript node
Front end build tools can be confusing even to experienced developers like me. The solution is to understand how they work — and work together — on a conceptual level.

This article presents my opinionated approach to making sense of front end build tools. Instead of diving into code, I’ll walk you through my mental model of how these tools work and what they accomplish.es2015 react test redux javascript
There are so many existing web technologies that allow developers to create web applications efficiently and as quickly as possible. Today, many of the web applications we use are built with libraries such as React, AngularJS, Ember.js, and the list goes on.

Building UI for web is almost effortless; you can have something beautifully going with some CSS and JavaScript here and there.

On the contrary, developing a desktop application can get quite involved. There are entire applications and libraries dedicated to building desktop GUIs including Qt, Gtk, Java’s Swing and AWT, and so on. These are great tools, but often codebases become cumbersome to deal with, and creating a fluid design takes a lot of work.

Why do GUI applications need to be so complicated to develop? What if we could somehow use our existing web technologies to create desktop apps just as easily as web apps? Enter Electron.es2015 react javascript
With the advent of React and Redux, a common question has emerged:

What should I hold in the Redux store, and what should I save in local state?

But this question is actually too simplistic, because there are also two other ways you can store data for use in a component: static and this.

Let’s go over what each of these, and when you should use them.es2015 react redux javascript
Over the past few years, I’ve been heavily involved with teaching people how to build applications with React.js. First there was React Week, held way back in March of 2015. Then came Egghead. Then came React.js Program.

Throughout all of these workshops, one thing was consistent: getting started with a React application was pretty overwhelming, for both beginners and senior developers alike.

Yes, we’re building better quality apps than we’ve ever built. Yes, even a few years ago we had nothing comparable to the tooling we have now. Yes, the end result is worth it. But that doesn’t make it any easier for someone who just wants to get to “Hello World.”

This is why I’m excited about “create-react-app”.

“create-react-app” is an official command line interface (CLI) for building React applications with no build configuration.es2015 react javascript
Redux Thunk middleware allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action. The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met. The inner function receives the store methods dispatch and getState as parameters.es2015 redux javascript
We compiled this course with the experience we gained from building Kadira and helping Meteor developers.es2015 meteor javascript
ES6 (whose official name is ECMAScript 2015) is the latest version of JavaScript.

Topics covered in this book:

  • Configuring Babel.
  • Setting up ES6 projects that are compiled to ES5 via Babel:
  • Deploying ES6 in browsers via Babel and webpack.
  • Deploying ES6 in Node.js, by statically or dynamically compiling it via Babel.
es2015 test javascript
This book is about ECMAScript 6 (whose official name is ECMAScript 2015), a new version of JavaScript.

This book covers ES6 with three levels of detail:

  • Quick start: Begin with the chapter “First steps with ECMAScript 6”. Additionally, almost every chapter starts with a section giving an overview of what’s in the chapter.
  • Solid foundation: Each chapter always starts with the essentials and then increasingly goes into details. The headings should give you a good idea of when to stop reading, but I also occasionally give tips in sidebars w.r.t. how important it is to know something.
  • In-depth knowledge: Read all of a chapter, including the in-depth parts.
es2015 javascript
Generated: 2025-02-18 23:06
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke