These are just rough ideas how a final Muttator should look like. If you have ideas, please post them here or in the discussion tab.vimperator
This is the official Vimperator wiki.

There is also a mailing list, which is searchable through gmane. If you like IRC, you can hop onto vimperator at You may find an answer to your question at the FAQ page.vimperator
First there was a Navigator, then there was an Explorer. Later it was time for a Konqueror. Now it&39;s time for an Imperator, the VIMperator :)

Vimperator is a free browser add-on for Firefox, which makes it look and behave like the Vim text editor. It has similar key bindings, and you could call it a modal webbrowser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in.

Warning: To provide the most authentic Vim experience, the Firefox menubar and toolbar were hidden. If you really need them, type: :set guioptions=mT to get it back. If you don&39;t like Vimperator at all, you can uninstall it by typing :addons and remove/disable it. If you like it, but can&39;t remember the shortcuts, press F1 or :help to get this help window back.vimperator
Generated: 2024-11-21 08:38
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46