First there was a Navigator, then there was an Explorer. Later it was time for a Konqueror. Now it&
39;s time for an Imperator, the VIMperator :)
Vimperator is a free browser add-on for Firefox, which makes it look and behave like the Vim text editor. It has similar key bindings, and you could call it a modal webbrowser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in.
Warning: To provide the most authentic Vim experience, the Firefox menubar and toolbar were hidden. If you really need them, type: :set guioptions=mT to get it back. If you don&
39;t like Vimperator at all, you can uninstall it by typing :addons and remove/disable it. If you like it, but can&39;t remember the shortcuts, press F1 or :help to get this help window back.vimperator