Met twee grote schilderijen en een reeks stillevens in het Groeningemuseum dompelt Sanam Khatibi de toeschouwer onder in een vervreemdende wereld met kleurrijke fauna en flora.

Sanam Khatibi woont en werkt in Brussel. Ze heeft heel wat (inter)nationale exposities op haar palmares staan, maar exposeert voor het eerst in het Groeningemuseum. Aan de hand van een tiental schilderijen dompelt Khatibi de toeschouwer onder in een bevreemdende wereld met kleurrijke fauna en flora. Mens en dier ontmoeten er elkaar in een sensueel spel van macht, geweld en destructie, triomf en verlies, angst en verlangen. Deze personages ontlokken verwondering. Ze roepen om (grote) bewondering. Gele en (licht)groene tonaliteiten kleuren het verhaal dat de tentoonstelling vertelt.palm
Jack Reacher was happy to play the hand he was dealt, and to live life the way it came. Except for one strong preference: he liked to be warm in winter. Which imposed some kind of shape on his year.

By October at the latest he would start heading south. Usually the end of December would find him at his most distant point. The Florida Keys, sometimes. Or Tucson, Arizona. Or Mexico, one year, after the State Department found it convenient to renew his passport. Always either tropical or desert.

In recent years he had seen more Christmas lights strung up in palm trees than fir trees. They looked pretty good, especially at night. And there were lots of them.

Once he had read a newspaper story about homeowners palm test
The Curta is a small mechanical calculator developed by Curt Herzstark. The Curta's design is a descendant of Gottfried Leibniz's Stepped Reckoner and Charles Thomas's Arithmometer, accumulating values on cogs, which are added or complemented by a stepped drum mechanism. It has an extremely compact design: a small cylinder that fits in the palm of the hand.

Curtas were considered the best portable calculators available until they were displaced by electronic calculators in the 1970s.palm
Emacs wants you to install unauthenticated code off of a wiki; I can help.

Are you a programmer? Do you use a text editor? Do you install any 3rd-party functionality into that text editor?

If you use Vim, you’ve probably installed a few vimballs from, a website only available over HTTP. Vimballs are fairly opaque; if you’ve installed one, chances are you didn’t audit the code.

If you use Emacs, you’ve probably installed some packages from ELPA or MELPA using package.el; in Emacs’s default configuration, ELPA is accessed over HTTP, and until recently MELPA’s documentation recommended HTTP as well.

When you install un-signed code into your editor that you downloaded over an unencrypted, unauthenticated transport like HTTP, you might as well be installing malware. This is not a joke or exaggeration: you really might be.1 You have no assurance that you’re not being exploited by someone on your local network, by someone on your ISP’s network, the NSA, the CIA, or whoever else.palm vim
Software for your Palm handheldpalm
Bluetooth Adapter Setup for the Palm Tungsten |T series T1,T2,T3,T5,TX (Treo 650, Zire 72, E2, LifeDrive)palm
RepliGo allows you to convert any document from your PC to your mobile device, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Project, Visio, Web pages, and more.

With RepliGo, you can have all your important documents and information with you at all times. The conversion process is as simple as clicking a button or "printing" to the RepliGo printer and takes just moments.

RepliGo documents keep the original appearance, fonts, graphics, and formatting intact and provide a reflowed text view for easy reading on small screen devices. Try RepliGo 2.0 conversion software for free for 14-days.palm  2006-07-18
Palm Software for your Treo 650/600, Tungsten, LifeDrive or other Palm OS Devicepalm
Windows Mobile, Palm OS, BlackBerry and Symbian Smartphone Software Downloadspalm
Solutions for your mobile lifepalm
Freeware Palm: the one and only site for downloading freeware files for PalmOS handhelds.palm
Generated: 2024-11-21 08:50
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke