A free real-time log file monitoring tool.

  • Real-time file viewing
  • Follow tail mode (like tail -f on Unix)
  • View files of any size (> 2GB)
  • Scroll to any point in the file instantly
  • Configurable highlighting
  • Monitor multiple files simultaneously
  • Visual indication of file status/changes
  • International character sets (Unicode and UTF-8)
  • Many file formats (Win32, Unix, Microsoft IIS logs)
  • Flexible configuration options and storage
  • Single small executable, no installer
Powerful online regex tester and much morepc php test javascript
Easy accents including french ç as well as spanish ñ and ¿ and ¡

Hi, there used to be a forum topic at How to enter basic Spanish accented characters but I can not post a reply in there anymore. Out of gratitude to the whole Autohotkey community I just want to post my personal solution that enables easy French and Spanish characters on a qwerty keyboard. I find it very convenient and hope it might help others.unity
Test jezelf op Corona: Ga verder in het Nederlands

Testez-vous sur Corona: Continuer en Français

Test yourself on Corona: Proceed in English

Testen Sie sich auf Corona: Fahren Sie auf Deutsch fort

Ponte a prueba en Corona: Continuar en españoltest
Schaakzone is een informatieve site over schaken die interessant is voor schakers van ieder niveau. Het is dus een nuttige site als je wil leren schaken, want in de sectie Schaken voor beginners vind je een complete uitleg van de spelregels en nog veel meer tips en informatie om de basis van het spel te leren.

De overige secties van Schaakzone zijn gericht op de schakers die vooral sterker willen worden. Door het bestuderen van tactiek, strategie, openingen en eindspel, en daarbij na te denken over puzzeltjes of hoe je je stelling kan verbeteren

Er zijn veel websites over schaken die zich op schaaknieuws, toernooien en grootmeesters concentreren. Met deze site concentreer ik me op het spel: schaken!chess
If there's one thing computers are good for, it's automating repetitive, tedious startup or maintenance tasks that waste developers' time and, in the worst cases, serve as a deterrent to starting a project at all. Writing a few small scripts to handle the boilerplate and scaffolding can go a long way toward eliminating barriers to productivity. For modern web developers, some common technologies for adding custom tools to the tool belt are Perl (for old-school scripters) and Node.js (using JavaScript).

Dart is a newer language, originally developed by Google but now an ECMA standard, for building web, server, command-line, and mobile apps. It's a scalable, object-oriented programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes included out of the box. In this tutorial, we'll go over how you can get set up to write your own command-line utilities with Dart.

Check out the Dart Language Tour for a crash course in the language, or take a look at the FAQ for a higher-level overview. If you know JavaScript, Java, PHP, ActionScript, C/C , or another "curly brace" language, you'll find Dart to be familiar.php perl javascript node
A word processor such as Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer is great for writing relatively short documents, but when you need to write something as long as a novel it can quickly become unmanageable. That's why many professional writers use a dedicated program to help them manage their chapters as well as their research notes.

One such program is WriteWay, which until recently cost around $35. But development on the program recently stopped and consequently it was released as freeware. So if you want a copy, head to http://www.writewaypro.com/register.php from where you can download a demo copy and also see the registration code that you need to enter. The code will transform your demo into a full version of WriteWay Pro.microsoft php
At its Ignite developer conference yesterday, Microsoft announced that it has developed a new programming language designed to not only run on current computers but on the most advanced machines of the future: quantum computers. Ignite is running from Sept. 25-29 in Orlando.

Like many other of the world's largest tech companies, Microsoft has been working to develop quantum computers that could handle massively complex problems in minutes or seconds. Unlike today's conventional devices that use the digital bits "0" and "1," quantum computers use qubits that can act as 0s, 1s or both simultaneously.

Microsoft said its new quantum computing language, which has yet to be named, is "deeply integrated" with its Visual Studio development environment and does many of the things other standard programming languages do. However, it is specifically designed to allow programmers to create apps that will eventually run on true quantum computers.microsoft
A few years ago, I stumbled on a video of somebody making a responsive, real-time web app using something called Meteor.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend giving it a watch. It was pretty amazing and exciting at the time, and sparked a new interest in learning this framework.

At the time I was a PHP developer. I used jQuery in my projects, but I was never serious about JavaScript development. That video changed that and I decided I wanted to branch out and learn JavaScript as well.

So I got started by reading Discover Meteor and building a few apps for fun.

Then Meteor started changing. It opened up to using React and Angular as the front end, rather than the default Blaze template engine.

It also is on its way to becoming a part of the npm ecosystem, and has adopted support of npm packages.

Most recently, the team also switched to using the import system prevalent in ES2015 applications.php es2015 meteor react javascript npm
The best Science GIFs, Vines and videos!php
There are many tutorials on PDO already, but unfortunately, most of them fail to explain the real benefits of PDO, or even promote rather bad practices. The only two exceptions are phptherightway.com and hashphp.org, but they miss a lot of important information. As a result, half of PDO's features remain in obscurity and are almost never used by PHP developers, who, as a result, are constantly trying to reinvent the wheel which already exists in PDO.

Unlike those, this tutorial is written by someone who has used PDO for many years, dug through it, and answered thousands questions on Stack Overflow (the sole gold PDO badge bearer). Following the mission of this site, this article will disprove various delusions and bad practices, while showing the right way instead.

Although this tutorial is based on mysql driver, the information, in general, is applicable for any driver supported.php
PHP Manager for IIS is a tool for managing one or many PHP installations on IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 servers.

Use it to:

  • Register PHP with IIS;
  • Validate and properly configure existing PHP installations;
  • Run multiple PHP versions side by side on the same server and even within the same web site;
  • Check PHP runtime configuration and environment (output of phpinfo() function)
  • Configure various PHP settings
  • Enable or disable PHP extensions
  • Remotely manage PHP configuration in php.ini file
php perl
PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.

PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP.microsoft php
The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. PHP is basically used for developing web based software applications. This tutorial helps you to build your base with PHP.php
Running PHP on IIS

Increase the performance of PHP applications running on Windows Server with the Windows Cache Extension for PHP

Improved performance and greater reliability for PHP applications is ensured by the FastCGI component for IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0

Enable and manage PHP and FastCGI with PHP Manager for IIS7microsoft php
JpGraph is an Object-Oriented Graph creating library for PHP from 5.1 to 5.6 The library is completely written in PHP and ready to be used in any PHP scripts (both CGI/APXS/CLI versions of PHP are supported).php
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated web pages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.

This manual consists primarily of a function reference, but also contains a language reference, explanations of some of PHP's major features, and other supplemental information.php perl
This simple and brief tutorial is going to show you how to enable the hibernate feature in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr.

Hibernate is disabled by default in Ubuntu, when the computer hibernates, all of your applications and documents are stored and the computer completely switches off so it does not use any power, but the applications and documents will still be open when you switch on the computer again.ubuntu
LXLE is a GNU/Linux operating system based on Lubuntu which is an official Ubuntu OS using the LXDE desktop enviroment. It is designed to be a drop-in and go OS, primarily for aging computers. Its intention is to be able to install it on any computer and be relatively done after install. At times removing unwanted programs or features is easier than configuring for a day. Our distro follows the same LTS schedule as Ubuntu.

In short, LXLE is an eclectic respin of Lubuntu with its own community based support.ubuntu
We're happy to have you in our wonderful community. Here is what you get:

  • The amazing jQuery Trickshots book, together with 100 HTML5 & JS examples.
  • Our awesome web development newsletter, full of tips, tricks, plugins and interesting articles about HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP, Node, AngularJS and more!
  • Access to our growing collection of PSD files that we've created for Tutorialzine over the years. You can use these commercially.

We usually send the newsletter on Fridays.news php

Generated: 2024-11-21 08:48
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke