Windows 10’s taskbar clock can display the precise time down to the second. This feature requires a registry hack to enable, and only works on Windows 10. Windows 7 users will instead need a third-party utility like T-Clock Redux to do this instead.

Early beta versions of the taskbar clock did show seconds. However, this caused performance problems in the 90’s, and the feature was removed before the release of Windows 95.redux
I recently got a chance to use Flutter in a commercial project. Having tried a variety of architectures before, I decided to combine Flutter with Redux, because it’s challenging and fun. To document the development and share this experience with you, I selected a simple and usual case: the Welcome — Sign-In — Sign-Up flow.redux flutter
This article is going to be more practical than theoretical, I just wanted to show in a simple way, various methods to share data. This won’t cover more complex ways like scoped BLoC pattern (talked about in previous articles) or other (like ScopedModel or Redux, that I’ve never used).redux
For the last couple of months I’ve been looking for a cross-platform mobile framework to implement some of my ideas.

Naturally, React Native was the first thing I tried. It’s rather easy to work with. In fact, such combinations as Redux-Observable and Epics can actually help you build great apps. However, it turned out not what I expected it would, so I left the idea soon after completing the SignIn/SignUp part.

The next thing I decided to try was Flutter, Google’s cross-platform mobile framework written in Dart. I learned about it in 2017, at the GDG DevFest in Ukraine. Although the framework was still in alpha then, a guy on the stage said it was stable enough to build thin client-server apps, so I took his word for it.

The first project I wanted to develop was a simple booking app for the lounge area at our office. I wanted to automate the process of booking the ping-pong table, PlayStation 4 and the other cool things we have there. Through a series of articles, I’m going to take you through my process of turning this idea into reality with Flutter.

The solution is available in gitreact redux flutter
Migrating from Redux to the New React Context API a 9 minute video where I walk you through how to replace a portion of your redux state (the global theme) with the new React context API. This was very interesting for me - I think you'll find it interesting too! {Spencer Carli}react redux
“What?!”, you say. “GraphQL is a server side query language. Redux is a client-side state management library. How could one replace the other?” Good question.graphql redux
It’s rather impossible to remember all the APIs by heart. This is when cheatsheets jump in! Here are the best front-end cheatsheets I’ve gathered.react redux javascript
This blog is about when you should start thinking about using Redux, the problems it solved for us and the benefits we found. It is based on what we learnt from scaling up our React app.react redux
One common trend I find among most Redux developers is a hatred towards setState(). A lot of us (yes, I’ve fallen into this trap many times before) flinch at the sight of setState() and try to keep all the data in our Redux store. But, as the complexity of your application grows, this poses several challenges.

In this post, I’ll walk you through various strategies to model your state, and dive into when each of them can be used.react redux
Instead of using classes and local state, Deku just uses functions and pushes the responsibility of all state management and side-effects onto tools like Redux. It also aims to support only modern browsers to keep things simple.

It can be used in place of libraries like React and works well with Redux and other libraries in the React ecosystem.

Deku consists of 5 modules packaged together for convenience:

  • element: Create virtual elements.
  • diff: Compute the difference between two virtual elements. You can use this if you're creating a custom renderer.
  • dom: Create DOM elements from virtual elements and update them using the result of a diff. You'll only use this directly if you're building your own app creator.
  • string: Render a HTML string from virtual elements.
  • createApp: Kickstart an app for the browser.
react redux  2017-09-25
An extremely fast React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces.

  • Tiny Size: Inferno is much smaller in size, 9kb vs 45kb gzip. This means inferno is faster to transfer over the network and much faster to parse.
  • React Compatible: React-like API, concepts and component lifecycle events. Switch over easily with inferno-compat.
  • Insane Performance: One of the fastest front-end frameworks for rendering UI in the DOM, making 60 FPS on mobile possible.
  • One-way Architecture: Component driven + One-way data flow architecture. Bindings also supplied for Redux, MobX and Cerebral.
  • Isomorphic rendering on both client and server, along with fast-booting from server-side renders.
  • Modular: Highly modular with very little opinion of how things should be done, removing bloat and unecessary overhead.
react javascript
Managing state in modern web applications is hard. As applications grows in complexity, keeping track of state changes and mapping those changes back to your UI becomes increasingly difficult.

One way data flow makes managing state more approachable and lightens the cognitive load required to follow the flow of data through your application. Using Redux takes this idea to the next level and moves the state and the state changes and centralizes them in a global store, managed with pure reducer functions.

In this course you will learn how to build a production quality React application using Redux. We will build up from using redux by itself, so we can understand the core API and how that interacts with a React application, then we’ll move on to introduce react-redux to abstract away some of the underlying details and clean up our code. We’ll use middleware and a mocked API server to understand how asynchronous code fits into the Redux model and we’ll even deploy our finished work so we can see it running live in the react redux
Redux is an excellent tool for managing the “state” of an application. The unidirectional flow of data and the focus on immutable state makes reasoning about changes to the state simple. Each update to our state is caused by a dispatched action, which causes our reducer function to return a new state with the desired changes. Many of the user interfaces we create with Redux at AppNexus deal with large amounts of data and very complex user interactions as our customers manage their advertisements or publishing inventory on our platform. Over the course of developing these interfaces, we have arrived at some helpful rules and tips to keep Redux manageable. The following points of discussion should help anyone working with Redux on large, data intensive applications:redux
If, like myself, you’ve ever created a website using the “standard” tools of plain old HTML or templates, preprocessed CSS, and JavaScript, then you may also have shared the same delight I did when React came along and offered a way to easily break a website or app into manageable, reusable chunks.

This also came at a time when JavaScript was maturing immensely, going from what some considered a “toy language” to one of the most popular languages out there today. After promises came on the scene we could forget about writing sideways pyramids and getting ourselves into callback hell. Then along came async/await, and now most of us try to avoid those “messy and confusing” promise chains wherever possible. We are spoiled, literally, for choice.

Then along came Flux, after that Redux. State management just got a whole lot easier, and although you might not always need it, Redux is often the go-to state management tool for a lot of developers. That little extra initial setup often goes a long way and saves us major headaches further down the line.

s the language evolves so fast it’s hard to keep track of all the new features, so this article is about my personal opinion on how to make the best use of them to improve your components without sacrificing anything whatsoever.

I should point out here that in all my examples I’ll be using React Native, but the principles are exactly the same in React… So let’s get into it!react redux javascript
If you’re using Redux in your React app you’re likely using react-redux to connect your components to your state. The connect method is a tricky sum bitch— although it has a very simple API there’s a lot of magic happening under the hood. It’s very easy, especially when first learning Redux, to just start connecting things without much thought on what’s actually happening. One of the easiest snafus to make is to connect your component at the top of the render tree.

What the hell does that mean exactly? I’m glad you asked — the following diagram demonstrates this scenario. In this example the component is connected at the top of the render tree.react redux
At its core, React is just JavaScript. It doesn't need a build system or fancy syntax. And with just two functions, it lets you create something amazing...

So you’ve heard all the fuss about React – apparently it’s the best thing since Visual Basic. But you’ve spent a couple hours investigating, only to find so many buzzwords that it just feels overwhelming. NPM and Redux and Babel and react-router and Webpack and all I want is somebody to just tell me how to use React already!

Luckily for you, that’s exactly what this guide will do! Don’t believe me? That’s OK – you will after you’ve built your first React app in only 2 minutes. Without downloading or installing anything. Just by following this exercise…react redux npm
Switching to a declarative approach at Major League Soccer

I’m a firm believer that the best code is no code. More code often leads to more bugs and more time spent maintaining it. At Major League Soccer, we’re a very small team, so we take this principle to heart. We try to optimize where we can, either through maximizing code reuse or lightening our maintenance burden.

In this article, you’ll learn how we offloaded data fetching management to Apollo, which allowed us to delete nearly 5,000 lines of code. Not only is our application a lot slimmer since switching to Apollo, it’s also more declarative since our components only request the data that they need.

What do I mean by declarative and why is that a good thing? Declarative programming focuses on the end goal, while imperative programming focuses on the steps it took to get there. React itself is declarative.graphql react redux
In this video I demonstrate how to use Redux to manage your navigation state for a React Native app backed by React Navigation.react redux
The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevToolsreact redux
For the past month, we’ve ranked nearly 1,150 React.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.9% chance to be included) that can help advance your career.

Topics included in this React list are: Router, Fiber, Redux, MobX, setState, GraphQL, Sketch, React Native, Loading. The lists for JavaScript and Node.JS are published separately in the publication.

Mybridge AI ranks articles based on the quality of content measured by our machine and a variety of human factors including engagement and popularity. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by the experienced Node developers particularly useful.graphql react redux javascript node
Generated: 2025-02-18 23:25
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke