Multilevel numbering in Word is the number one headache for many people working on large documents. Believe it or not, it's not complicated. It just takes somebody to guide you through safely and point out the pitfalls you need to avoid.

Today that pleasure falls to me!

Grab your free multilevel numbering troubleshooting guide that shows you the steps to get multilevel numbering working properly first time, every time, together with answers to over 20 FAQs and plenty of examples to help you fix what isn't working.perl
If you’re having trouble with Windows Update, give this small, free tool a try.

Windows Update can develop issues that prevent it from working properly. Fix WU was designed to repair many Windows Update issues by re-registering a total of 114 .dll, ocx and .ax files that Windows Update needs to function properly.

It’s a small tool and easy to use. Download the file, unzip it, and run the program. Select the button that says Fix Windows Update, and in a brief time a window will pop up saying the process completed successfully.

It fixed the issue I had been having with Windows Update and it’s working as it should.

Fix WU runs on Windows 7 & Windows Vista, 32bit and 64bit versions, and works on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

It’s free of malware according to VirusTotal, and since it’s portable it can run from a USB flash drive.

Get the Fix WU Utility hereperl
One of the features of Flutter is a possibility to create apps in record time. However, it is very important to write Dart code properly and to use the best practices, Effective Dart, from the beginning. There are some good tools and packages that help you to apply best practices quickly.perl flutter dart
I have always stayed far away from regex. In one of my first year computer science labs, there was an exercise that involved regex. I think that was the very first time I was introduced to it. I thought it was cool at the time but it seemed too hard so I've been avoiding it or just googling how to solve a certain regex problem. But I finally took some time to learn it properlyperl unity
One of the things I like to do every now and then—especially around this time of year—is to start fresh. I’ll think about all the services I’ve signed up for and don’t actually use. Going through and deleting them helps me feel better about my digital sprawl, and it’s a practice I recommend everyone try regularly.

Consumer Reports recently published a great guide that shows you the basic steps for deleting your accounts across 15 different services. While the process isn’t usually that difficult, it can be annoying to have to root through a bunch of settings menus and hyperlinks to figure out how to remove yourself from a service. I’ve bookmarked the site’s series of steps, and I recommend you do the same—with one caveat.perl
When you first encounter Regular Expressions, they may seem like a random string of gibberish. While they might look awkward (with a somewhat confusing syntax), they are also extremely useful.

The truth is properly understanding regular expressions will make you a much more effective programmer. In order to fully understand the regex world you first need to learn the basics concepts, on which you can later build.

So without further ado, lets get started :)perl javascript
How do you wrap your charging cables for storage or travel? There’s a chance that you might be doing it wrong and causing harm to the cable. Here’s how to properly wrap your cables so that they last as long as possible.

One of the most common methods for wrapping cables is to just tightly wind them up around your hand, or around the power brick if one’s attached, but that can be pretty hard on the cable. Instead, it’s better to wrap the cable in a more gentle fashion, and here are some ways to do that.perl
If there's one thing computers are good for, it's automating repetitive, tedious startup or maintenance tasks that waste developers' time and, in the worst cases, serve as a deterrent to starting a project at all. Writing a few small scripts to handle the boilerplate and scaffolding can go a long way toward eliminating barriers to productivity. For modern web developers, some common technologies for adding custom tools to the tool belt are Perl (for old-school scripters) and Node.js (using JavaScript).

Dart is a newer language, originally developed by Google but now an ECMA standard, for building web, server, command-line, and mobile apps. It's a scalable, object-oriented programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes included out of the box. In this tutorial, we'll go over how you can get set up to write your own command-line utilities with Dart.

Check out the Dart Language Tour for a crash course in the language, or take a look at the FAQ for a higher-level overview. If you know JavaScript, Java, PHP, ActionScript, C/C , or another "curly brace" language, you'll find Dart to be familiar.php perl javascript node
Flexbox is a must-have skill for front-end developers

Once you've learned Flexbox, you'll wonder how you ever managed to build websites without it. It gives you all the tools you needed in order to properly arrange content inside flexible containers. Given that all websites need to be flexbile and responsive these days, Flexbox is a must-have skill for web developers.

This course is focused on getting you up to speed as quickly as possible. Even if you only watch the first lectures, you'll be able to take advantage of your new skills in your next project. I'll give you several exercises throughout the course, so that you'll be able to get your hands dirty as well.

We'll use a navbar as an example layout, as that's a very typical use case for Flexbox. In the bonus screencasts we'll tie everything together and build two real-world examples: an awesome image grid and a fully responsive navbar.perl
In this course we will take a simple Node.js app that connects to a MongoDB database and uses an Express web server, and learn how to setup a full software development deployment process as well as how to properly “Dockerize” the app.

We’ll step through setting up proper version control techniques, managing configuring within the environment, setting up proper build/deploy/run processes, and all with abiding by Docker best practices. We’ll also make sure our deployment is setup for scale, and have consistent development practices in place for reliable app deployments.perl node
I’ve always found flexbox pretty easy to work with — a breath of fresh air after years of floating and clearfixing.

Recently though, I found myself fighting against it; something was flexing when I didn’t think it should be flexing. I fixed it, something else got squashed. I fixed that, then something else got pushed right off the screen. What in the George W Bush was going on?

In the end I got it all working, but the sun had set and my process had been the old CSS fiddle-a-roo. Or … what’s that game where you have to whack a mole and then another mole pops up and you have to whack that one too?

Anyhoo, I decided it was about time that I behaved like a grown up developer and learned flexbox properly. But rather than read another 10 blog posts, I decided to go straight to the source and read The CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 Spec.perl
Making pretty, responsive, headers is always a tricky process. Until now you needed to use floats or other complicated tricks and you even had to manually adjust pixel values. But not any more!

The technique we are about to show you relies on the powerful flexbox layout mode to do all the dirty work for you. It uses just a handful of CSS properties to create a header that is properly aligned and looks good on all screen sizes, while leaving the code cleaner and less hacky.perl
Not too long ago, the layout for all HTML pages was done via tables, floats, and other CSS properties that were not well suited for styling complex web pages.

Then came flexbox – a layout mode that was specifically designed for creating robust responsive pages. Flexbox made it easy to properly align elements and their content, and is now the preferred CSS system of most web developers.

Now we have a new contender for the best-system-to-build-html-layouts trophy (trophy title is a work in progress). It is the mighty CSS Grid, and by the end of this month, it will be available natively in Firefox 52�and Chrome 57, with other browsers (hopefully) following soon.perl
This website offers you the easiest, fastest, but also one of the best hearing tests on the Internet. Bookmark this page and run this hearing test periodically to monitor your hearing!

Although these test files have been carefully designed, this website is not a substitute for a proper hearing test. You are encouraged to consult an audiologist as soon as you seriously feel concerned about a possible hearing loss. Beware, some of the audio tests tones can be damaging (excessively loud) if used improperly. You will be safe though by following the sound level calibration procedure and always starting by playing the quieter files first.

The next three sections take you through the actual hearing test. The rest of the page will give you information about hearing loss, audiograms, and how to get the most reliable results out of this page's hearing test.perl test
Animating elements in your mobile applications is easy.

Animating elements in your mobile applications properly may be easy, too… if you follow our tips here.

While everyone is using CSS3 animations in mobile these days, many are not doing it properly. There are best practices to take into account that are constantly and considerably disregarded. This happens mainly because there are still people who don’t really understand the real reasons why those practices exist and are so vigorously endorsed.

There is such a large spectrum of device specifications nowadays, that if you don’t optimize your code to consider this, you’ll end up delivering a subpar experience to the highest share.

Remember: though there are some high-end, flagship devices out there which keep pushing the envelope, you still have most of the world using the type of device that compared to those spec monsters is nothing but an abacus with an LCD.

We want to give you a hand in harnessing the power of CSS3 correctly. To do just that we need to understand a few things first.perl
Just like a nagging mother, security experts always remind you that you’re most likely not managing your passwords properly. And just like your mother’s advice, you know they’re right, but don’t have the time or patience to put their recommendations into practice.

It’s difficult to change habits when it comes to your online routine, especially when it comes to something as mundane as passwords. But the thing is, cyber security experts aren’t going on and on about passwords because they like don’t have anything better to do. Let me put it this way:

  • Weak passwords accounted for 31% of security breaches in 2013
  • 55% of Internet users use the same password for most, if not all, websites
  • Cyber criminals’ usage of brute-force login attempts increased 3 time in 2013 and they collected almost 9 billion credentials (username & password) as a result of these attacks
  • The top 5 passwords used are: 123456, 123456789, 1234, password and 12345678 (according to this study)
  • Combined, the 15 most used passwords make up for 3% of the total amounts of passwords analyzed in this study – now, just how difficult do you think it is to break those? Exactly!
PHP Manager for IIS is a tool for managing one or many PHP installations on IIS 7 and IIS 7.5 servers.

Use it to:

  • Register PHP with IIS;
  • Validate and properly configure existing PHP installations;
  • Run multiple PHP versions side by side on the same server and even within the same web site;
  • Check PHP runtime configuration and environment (output of phpinfo() function)
  • Configure various PHP settings
  • Enable or disable PHP extensions
  • Remotely manage PHP configuration in php.ini file
php perl
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated web pages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.

This manual consists primarily of a function reference, but also contains a language reference, explanations of some of PHP's major features, and other supplemental information.php perl
One React pattern that has had the greatest effect on my code is the container component pattern.

At React.js Conf, Jason Bonta talked about how they build High Performance Components at facebook. Nestled in this talk is this gem about container components.

The idea is simple:

A container does data fetching and then renders its corresponding sub-component. That’s it.

“Corresponding” meaning a component that shares the same name:

  • StockWidgetContainer -> StockWidget
  • TagCloudContainer -> TagCloud
  • PartyPooperListContainer -> PartyPooperList
You get the idea.react test
Hello Linux Geeksters. In this article I will show you how to enable hibernation on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, and add the Hibernate button in the shutdown menu.

As you may know, via the hibernation process all the data stored in the RAM memory gets moved on the swap memory (on the hard disk). In order to properly enable hibernation, make sure your swap memory is at least as big as the RAM memory.

While hibernation can be easily done via the command-line, you can also make some tweaks to get the Hibernate button into your shutdown menu.ubuntu perl
Generated: 2024-11-21 08:39
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke