Hier vindt u alle informatie over Telenet webmail inloggen, zoals het aanmelden, instellen, pop, imap, smtp, veel gestelde vragen, wachtwoord herstel, mail instellingen, iphone, android, windows outlook, e-mailadres blokkeren, apps, adressen van Outlook importeren, berichtregels aanmaken, automatisch antwoorden, mappen aanmaken, etc.map telenet
Als de Boekathon op 7 november 2021 afloopt, dan staan er meer dan 190 nieuwe te herbekijken filmpjes over boeken op VRT NU. Dit langste boekenprogramma van Vlaanderen werd door Tom De Cock 7 dagen lang gepresenteerd vanuit de gelegenheidsstudio op Lees!Het Boekenfestival in Antwerp expo. Zie je door het bos de bomen niet meer, dan proberen we jou op weg te helpen met onderstaand overzicht. Het is wel niet volledig, dus hou je zeker niet in om verder te gaan ontdekken op de themapagina van VRT NUopen in nieuw venster. En wie weet komt dat ene 'onverwachte' boek je ook wel tegenmoet.map vrt
A new feature that is released with the new version of the Entity Framework Core is the possibility to create a Many-to-Many relationship without explicitly mapping the join table. On this article, we are going to see how we can create a Many-to-Many relationship using Entity Framework Core 5.

On the previous versions of EF Core, to create a many-to-many relationship, it’s necessary to have a third entity. For example, to create a many-to-many relationship between the entity Actor and the entity Movie, it is necessary to have three entities: Actor, Movie, and ActorMovie. On the article “Entity Framework Core Relationships with Fluent API”, I explain about how you can create this kind of relationship (using EF Core 3.1) and also show examples of how you can implement it in your code, you can read clicking here.map
The Entity Framework Code First approach allows us to use our POCO (domain) classes as a model and Entity Framework can use the classes to query data, change tracking, and other update functions.

Entity Framework Code First provides a set of data annotation attributes that can be applied on domain classes or the properties of domain classes.

Normally we can divide these data annotations into the following two categories:

  • Database Schema related Attributes
    • Table
    • Column
    • Key
    • Timestamp
    • ConcurrencyCheck
    • ForeignKey
    • InverseProperty
    • Index
    • DatabaseGenerated
    • ComplexType
    • NotMapped

  • Validation Attributes
    • Required
    • MinLength
    • MaxLength
    • StringLength
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.map
Google Maps has all sort of hidden features you can use to your advantage. Do you know them?

I seldom use Google Maps to actually get directions, but I open the app almost every day for other reasons that might not be so obvious. Truth is, Google Maps is useful for a lot more than just showing you how to get from Point A to Point B. Beneath all those Christmas-colored traffic patterns and high-res satellite images hides a powerful search tool that offers crowdsourced real-time data on restaurants, retail stores, professional offices, public parks and practically anywhere else you'd want to go.

Some of Google Maps' recent updates include adding a coronavirus information layer, paying for parking, improved images and sidewalk maps, and improved location sharing. Turn-by-turn directions are so last decade, comparatively speaking. If you're already familiar with this app as a navigation tool, you're only a tap, press or swipe away from these and more Google Maps superpowers.map
Google might collect far more personal data about its users than you might even realize. The company records every search you perform and every YouTube video you watch. Whether you have an iPhone ($699 at Apple) or an Android, Google Maps logs everywhere you go, the route you use to get there and how long you stay -- even if you never open the app. When you look closer at everything Google knows about you, the results can be eye-opening, and maybe even a little unsettling. Thankfully, there's something you can do about it.

Starting in June, new Google accounts will automatically delete private data for you. But only after 18 months by default. And only if you're a brand-new Google user. That's great if you're just now deciding to create a Gmail address or you just got your first Android phone, but if you're among the 1.5 billion people on Gmail or the 2.5 billion people using Android already, your account is set to hold onto your private data forever unless you tell Google otherwise.map
One hundred years ago today, on August 4, 1914, German troops began pouring over the border into Belgium, starting the first major battle of World War I. The Great War killed 10 million people, redrew the map of Europe, and marked the rise of the United States as a global power. Here are 40 maps that explain the conflict — why it started, how the Allies won, and why the world has never been the same.map
The Office Key is a new key that you’ll find on Microsoft keyboards. It lets you quickly launch apps like Word, but you can remap it with AutoHotkey to act as an extra modifier key or disable the app shortcuts altogether.map microsoft
SharpKeys is a Registry hack that is used to make certain keys on a keyboard act like other keys. For example, if you accidentally hit Caps Lock often, you could use this utility to map Caps Lock to a Shift key or even turn it off completely. This official release includes support for up to 104 mappings, an extensive list of available keys, and a “Type Key” option to help when managing mappings. As it relies on internal support within Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 you must be running one of these OS’s for this Registry hack to work.

With the release of version 3.9, I’ve recompiled the most recent code that has been posted to the GitHub project. This version includes some bug fixes and removes support for triple-byte keys that Windows doesn’t support (including hardware keys from HP and Lenovo.)

As always, I encourage anyone interested in working on the code to visit http://www.github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys for more project changes.map
Whether you're a Developer, a DevOps or an IT Professional, this doc will help you getting started with PowerShell. In this document we'll cover the following: installing PowerShell, samples walkthrough, PowerShell editor, debugger, testing tools and a map book for experienced bash users to get started with PowerShell faster.

The exercises in this document are intended to give you a solid foundation in how to use PowerShell. You won't be a PowerShell guru at the end of reading this material but you will be well on your way with the right set of knowledge to start using PowerShell.

If you have 30 minutes now, let’s try it.map test
As usual when trying to get Apple hardware to play nice with Microsoft there is a little friction. In this case the keyboard doesn’t come with any mapping drivers resulting in the fact that some of the keys are messed up and in wrong locations. So we get to the point of this post. As I have had to do this several times now I thought I would post my solution so I dont spend ages searching each time.map microsoft
This web based service allows anyone with little or no design experience to create professional looking posters, reports, flyers, infographics and presentations with easy to use design tools.

Piktochart is a web based design tool that comes with an extensive set of functions that can tailor any of the free themed templates to your needs, or you can start with a blank template to create high quality projects.

This free service has a surprising amount of high quality elements to choose from. Insert ready to use charts, maps and videos (from Vimeo and YouTube) or pick from many background colors, patterns and textures, resizable graphics, shapes, icons, photo frames and text frames.

Photos can be inserted from Unsplash and photos by Pictochart designers. You can also upload your own JPG, PNG, GIF, or SVG files. Free accounts have a 40MB image upload limit.

There aren't a lot of free themed templates to choose from but they can be extensively customized with the many design elements. There are twelve themed presentation templates, twelve infographic templates, and nine printable templates.map vim
A first version of a tiled base map of the Roman Empire was created in 2012 by the author, in collaboration with the Pelagios project. A second version was created afterwards and became part of an online historical geographic information system (GIS) called the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE) hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Classical History, Lund University, Sweden and available at http://dare.ht.lu.se. The map was inspired by the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (Talbert, 2000) and was built upon digitization efforts carried out by the Pleiades and DARMC projects even though it became necessary to return to the original map for additional data in order to produce a functional digital map. DARE aims at a much higher level of accuracy and the integration of digital resources such as satellite imagery, national topographic maps, source texts, other source material and scholarly literature. Since 2012 we have worked to improve the map regarding both its appearance, quality of location, meta data describing properties of the ancient place and links to related digital resources.

The most prominent change is however the addition of 9111 places (and buildings) with a different provenance than the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World. The Barrington Atlas was limited to the physical size of the printed atlas, limitations that do not apply the same way to a digital map. Most places that have been added appear in national heritage databases which increasingly have become available online the last years, for instance, the UK based heritage databases Pastscape, Canmore and Coflein covering England, Scotland and Wales respectively. Another important change in the new version of the map is the rendering of natural and semi natural areas (forest, grassland etc.) and bathymetry. In comparison with the map created for the Pleiades project, the map created at Lund University contains an additional zoom level, i. e. zoom level 11. The Digital Atlas and its place database is an active project which is updated at least once a month. In 2015, 822 places were added.

The map itself is also used by Pelagios, Pleiades and other projects to provide a more suitable historical context for their mapping applications. Its gazetteer is implemented in the Pelagios project. The base map is Open Data and can be used by anyone under a Creative Commons BY-SA licence. The projection of the map is Spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857) compatible with most Web mapping software and easy to implement. The maximum zoom level 11 corresponds to a scale at 1:250 000.

In DARE, ancient sites are organized as places and buildings (subsites), each with a distinct place type and location. The buildings are not rendered on the base map because of their close proximity to the places they belong to, but are instead available as thematic overlays (e.g. amphitheaters, theaters, temples etc. respectively). Meta data about places and buildings are available next to the map.map
OptiMap - Fastest Roundtrip Solvermap test
SharpKeys is a utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key. Included in the application is a list of common keyboard keys and a Type Key feature to automatically recognize most keyboard keys. It was originally developed in C using .NET v2 but has been updated to support .NET 4.0 Client Profilemap
The young web developer knows the web. They’ve spent countless hours slinging divs and casting margins. They’ve hammered out countless to-do applications in JavaScript, Python, Golang, Fortran, Basic… you name it!

But now, this hotshot developer wants to conquer a less familiar territory. They want to displace their team’s gang of mobile developers—all of them—by using the hip new framework, React Native. Thinking it’ll be practically like writing a simple web application, they install the React Native CLI and scaffold an empty project.

It starts off just fine. They find out that instead of divs, they must create Views. In order to create text, they must use the built in Text component. Instead of CSS, they must use inline JavaScript styles. In order to create a nice layout, they require some knowledge of flexbox.

But then they want to wield more powerful features like geolocation, audio input, or push notifications. They find that in order to enable these features, they must open up XCode and edit some fairly verbose configuration files, change the plist, and create headers and implementations in Objective-C. They start to think that maybe they should stick to the web.

Enter Expo

Fortunately, the beautiful team over at Expo has created a pretty powerful SDK that greatly improves the React Native developer experience. They’ve made it such that when you create an application with Expo, you will probably never have to crack open XCode or edit any platform-specific configuration files.map react javascript
This is post 5 of the series dedicated to exploring JavaScript and its building components. In the process of identifying and describing the core elements, we also share some rules of thumb we use when building SessionStack, a lightweight JavaScript application that has to be robust and highly-performant in order to stay competitive.

If you missed the previous chapters, you can find them here:

This time we’ll dive into the world of communication protocols, mapping and discussing their attributes and building parts on the way. We’ll offer a quick comparison of WebSockets and HTTP/2. At the end, we share some ideas on how to choose which way to go when it comes to network protocols.map javascript
Open-source framework to develop and deploy production-ready serverless GraphQL backends. Including GraphQL database mapping, real-time subscriptions & flexible permission system.map graphql
Managing state in modern web applications is hard. As applications grows in complexity, keeping track of state changes and mapping those changes back to your UI becomes increasingly difficult.

One way data flow makes managing state more approachable and lightens the cognitive load required to follow the flow of data through your application. Using Redux takes this idea to the next level and moves the state and the state changes and centralizes them in a global store, managed with pure reducer functions.

In this course you will learn how to build a production quality React application using Redux. We will build up from using redux by itself, so we can understand the core API and how that interacts with a React application, then we’ll move on to introduce react-redux to abstract away some of the underlying details and clean up our code. We’ll use middleware and a mocked API server to understand how asynchronous code fits into the Redux model and we’ll even deploy our finished work so we can see it running live in the cloud.map react redux
Generated: 2025-02-18 23:06
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke