As a mother of an autistic child, Carrie Cariello has grown somewhat exasperated by the speculation of what could be responsible for causing the neurodevelopmental disorder.

Carrie decided to blog about just how complicated autism is for her and her family and what she’s felt upon reading what others have to say about the disorder.

The mother of five writes about how she’s responded to her son Jack’s autism and how her other children have reacted to growing up with Jack as well.

Her article is personal, insightful and touching and opened my eyes to an often misunderstood condition.

This article is published on with permission from Carrie Cariello.react
Windows 10 and Windows 11 completely dominate the desktop operating system market, so it’s easy to forget that there are alternatives available for PC users. Even if you’re a gamer, you’d be surprised at how support for gaming on non-Windows systems has grown. Most of them won’t cost a penny, and we’ve listed ten of the best free alternatives to the Microsoft Windows operating system here.

Note that your current software may not have a version compatible with these alternative operating systems. You may have to look for alternative software to use compatibility layers. Check out the “try before you buy” section at the end of this article for some tips on making the transition easier.

Table of Contents

  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Chromium OS
  • macOS
  • Manjaro Linux
  • Fedora Linux
  • FreeBSD
  • Elementary OS (Ubuntu-based)
  • ReactOS
  • Zorin OS
  • Linux Mint
freebsd microsoft pc ubuntu react
Today, you can't do anything in JavaScript without bumping into a CLI.

Want to install a library? yarn add it. Want a React app? create-react-app. Want to format your JavaScript? prettier --write. Want your types checked? tsc. Bundling? Pick from webpack, rollup, or parcel. Deploying? now or netlify deploy.

CLI's are everywhere, and even if you don't write them, sooner or later you'll have to debug them.

This workshop serves as a comprehensive survey of the state of the art of CLI tooling for everyone looking to make an impact in open source, across their company, and even in their own productivity.react javascript typescript
If you’ve put away a device and forgotten to take out the batteries, the terminals are probably covered in battery acid by now. The good news is, you can clean them pretty easily, depending on the severity of the leak.

Alkaline batteries—the kind you use to power clocks, TV remotes, flashlights, children’s toys, and so on—are made of a cathode (manganese dioxide) and an anode (zinc). These react to one another and produce the electrons, which, with the help of an electrolyte (potassium hydroxide), power your gadgets.

When alkaline batteries completely discharge (which happens long after they stop providing adequate juice to your devices), the potassium hydroxide breaks down. This process produces hydrogen gas and builds up pressure inside the battery. Eventually, this ruptures the steel casing, and potassium hydroxide leaks out in the battery compartment and, sometimes, over the circuitry inside the device.

It can take years for this to happen or just a few months, depending on the quality of the battery and how much parasitic draw (the power a device uses while it’s turned off) the item has.

This is why it’s always important to remove the batteries before you stow away react node
Meester Johan geeft les in 't Groentje in Vilvoorde.

Hij bezoekt minstens één keer per week de bibliotheek.

Hij eet graag zachte sopspeculaas bij de koffie.

Verzoekverhaaltjes, foto's, reacties, ... mag je altijd mailen naar
Stickers are a quick and fun way to convey thoughts and emotions on WhatsApp. But what if you want to make a sticker pack of your own reaction shots? Here’s how to do it on your iPhone and Android handset.

You’ll find a good number of sticker pack apps on the Google Play Store for Android. The iPhone’s App Store, on the other hand, only has a couple of sticker pack stores. But you don’t need third-party apps, nor do you need to be an app developer to make your own sticker pack.

All you need are some images and the rest will be taken care of by the app that’s available on both iPhone and Android. The app has a smart background removal tool, so you can create reaction stickers with just your face. Your friends will be blown away by your ingenuity.react
De voorbije dagen hoorden we het al dikwijls: de handen regelmatig wassen met zeep is een uitstekende manier om besmetting met het coronavirus te verkleinen. Studio Brussel-presentator Stijn Vlaeminck deelde op sociale media een duidelijk - en voor ��n keer een niet-wetenschappelijk - voorbeeld met peper om te demonstreren dat zeep een ‘virus’ op afstand kan houden. “Merci voor de tip”, klinkt het onder meer in de reacties op de video. “Ideaal voor een driejarige.”react
Alpine.js offers the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. This interactive course will teach you the basics in less than an hour.react
Hello again! Have you already heard about reactive programming? RxDart is a reactive functional programming library for Dart language, based on ReactiveX. Dart already has a decent package to work with Streams, but RxDart comes to adds functionality on top of it. But now you might be asking, what’s Stream?react flutter dart
The BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern is way of managing state that uses streams and sinks exclusively. David goes over what streams are, when it makes sense to use them (or not), and how to make them fit into the reactive UI architecture of Flutter.react flutter
RxDart is a reactive functional programming library for Google Dart, based on ReactiveX.

Google Dart comes with a very decent Streams API out-of-the-box; rather than attempting to provide an alternative to this API, RxDart adds functionality on top of it.react dart
About two years ago, I begrudgingly opened Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for the first time. The only reason I even did so is that I was working on a TypeScript project (also quite begrudgingly) and I was tired of fighting with the editor and the compiler and all of the settings that I needed to make a TypeScript project work. Someone mentioned to me that TypeScript “just works” in VS Code and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were right.

I expected that though. VS Code is from Microsoft, so it’s entirely expected that TypeScript would just work. What I did not expect was that virtually anything that I needed to do in VS Code “just worked” too. And I do mean anything. While this article focuses primarily on features for the web as well as JavaScript developers, VS Code has integrations with Go, Python, Java, and Ruby — just to name a few.

Over the next few months, I began to discover things in VS Code that I found remarkable. I made the official switch to VS Code, and I haven’t looked back since. Over the months I’ve been compiling a list of my favorite tips, tricks, and extensions for VS Code that might leave you with the same reaction that I had and continue to have: “VS Code can do that?!”microsoft ruby react javascript typescript
Both React and Firebase are technologies that have been around for a while. 2018 has seen some exciting new developments that bring the two together in a way that’s greater than the sum of the individual parts — as awesome as they already are!

This article will show you how to build a realtime, highly scalable web app combining the two. Here’s a live demo of the result, a minimal “local Yelp clone” that lets you write reviews using your Google login:

Restaurants Guide

You won’t have to write a single line of code to get to that point, yet the React (JavaScript/JSX) code will be there for you to modify and expand.react javascript is the online resource for getting started with the Reactive Extensions to .Net. Originally starting life as a blog series, it has now flourished into an online book. You can read it online here via the website, or get a copy of the Kindle edition for reading offline.

The content of the this book targets version 1.0.10621.0 of Rx (NuGet: Rx-Main v1.0.11226). This means all code samples will compile against that version. Note that Rx has shipped v2 since the release of this book. While this may initially be a concern for some readers, I would like to reassure readers that their investment in this book is still sound. All of the concepts are still valid. Virtually all of the code will still work on the latest version of Rx. The version 2.0 of Rx is largely a set of performance and portability improvements, and there are a few new features mainly around async/await support. The key things to take away from this book are the concepts. The concepts are equally applicable to v1 as they are to v2 and even transcend languages and platforms; these concepts will take you a long way in using Rx in JavaScript or even on the JVM with Java or Scala.react test javascript
For the last couple of months I’ve been looking for a cross-platform mobile framework to implement some of my ideas.

Naturally, React Native was the first thing I tried. It’s rather easy to work with. In fact, such combinations as Redux-Observable and Epics can actually help you build great apps. However, it turned out not what I expected it would, so I left the idea soon after completing the SignIn/SignUp part.

The next thing I decided to try was Flutter, Google’s cross-platform mobile framework written in Dart. I learned about it in 2017, at the GDG DevFest in Ukraine. Although the framework was still in alpha then, a guy on the stage said it was stable enough to build thin client-server apps, so I took his word for it.

The first project I wanted to develop was a simple booking app for the lounge area at our office. I wanted to automate the process of booking the ping-pong table, PlayStation 4 and the other cool things we have there. Through a series of articles, I’m going to take you through my process of turning this idea into reality with Flutter.

The solution is available in gitreact redux flutter
Flutter is a mobile App SDK by Google which helps in creating modern mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single(almost) code base. It’s a new entrant in the cross platform mobile application development and unlike other frameworks like React Native, it doesn’t use JavaScript as a Programming Language.

The programming language used by flutter is DART, which is similar to JavaScript in a way that it also runs a single threaded event queue. The biggest benefit of using Flutter is that it directly generates the ARM binaries which will execute directly on the native platform running it faster.react javascript flutter
As in the title. This is a question that most developers will make when introduced to a new shiny framework. Currently there are many frameworks that exist Xamarin, Fuse, React Native, Nativescript, Flutter, and so on… All these frameworks were built to solve the same common problem, to be able to build apps cross-platform with one codebase and have a native look, feel, and performance to the App.

To Decide on which framework to use. Or which one is the best. That my friend will send you down a looooong rabbit hole. Believe me. I’ve been down the entire stack and still there is always something new and shiny to use. The last 2 years i’ve been falling and falling and falling testing one framework after another. Now I actually feel that i’ve finally landed in Flutterland.

You might be thinking what is so special about Flutter that framework X can’t do?, I’ve narrowed it down to one word. The same word Eric Seidel used in last DartConf. “Control”.react test flutter
Migrate from the Old to New React Context API. This 6 and a half minute long video will show you how I migrate from the "old" context api to the new one. I have a global error component that I wanted to be accessible from anywhere in the app and I used context to do that. {Spencer Carli}react
Migrating from Redux to the New React Context API a 9 minute video where I walk you through how to replace a portion of your redux state (the global theme) with the new React context API. This was very interesting for me - I think you'll find it interesting too! {Spencer Carli}react redux
At the stage of last conference, Dan Abramov unveiled a new feature / API for React called React Suspense. In case you missed it, you can re-watch the talk on YouTube

In short: the new feature allows you to defer rendering part of your application tree until some condition is met (for example data from an endpoint or a resource is loaded).react
Generated: 2025-02-18 23:23
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke