This extension modifies the Gmail interface so you can play video files attachments inside the Gmail interface.meteor
A few years ago, I stumbled on a video of somebody making a responsive, real-time web app using something called Meteor.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend giving it a watch. It was pretty amazing and exciting at the time, and sparked a new interest in learning this framework.

At the time I was a PHP developer. I used jQuery in my projects, but I was never serious about JavaScript development. That video changed that and I decided I wanted to branch out and learn JavaScript as well.

So I got started by reading Discover Meteor and building a few apps for fun.

Then Meteor started changing. It opened up to using React and Angular as the front end, rather than the default Blaze template engine.

It also is on its way to becoming a part of the npm ecosystem, and has adopted support of npm packages.

Most recently, the team also switched to using the import system prevalent in ES2015 applications.php es2015 meteor react javascript npm
Meteor and React Build a Complete Application Using Meteor 1.4 and React

by Ken Rogersmeteor react
Meteor was first released back in 2011, and since then it’s been one of the most powerful platforms for web developers. It brought many new concepts to the table — one of the more powerful ones is where the client, server and the database can share code, almost the same API and code snippets, which really accelerated the development process.

This has been a very big advantage that’s proven itself to be worthy, but has also created a misconception that Meteor is a monolith that can’t be broken down to smaller parts. But in fact, when you build a Meteor app for deployment to Galaxy or any other hosting platform, Meteor essentially generates a stand-alone Node application that you can run anywhere Node is installed. This built application can be easily consumed by a wide variety other tools that work with Node and Javascript apps.

In this post, I will show how you can use your existing React, Angular, or WebPack front-end app (or break up your existing Meteor front-end app away from the Meteor CLI) while still using Meteor’s benefits like Meteor Collections, Minimongo, real time updates and DDP, accounts packages and more…meteor react javascript node
The Ventusky web application has been developed for you at our company, InMeteo, in collaboration with Marek Mojzik and Martin Prantl. We are a Czech meteorological company based in Pilsen. At our company, we focus on weather prediction and meteorological data visualisation. We have a wealth of experience in presenting weather data from our portal, In-počas, which was founded in 2006 and is now one of the highest-traffic servers in the Czech Republic. We decided to take advantage of our knowledge and experience and create a top-quality application that clearly displays meteorological data from around the world and allows you to monitor weather development for any place on earth.

The Earth's weather functions as an interdependent system. For example, a hurricane in the Atlantic has the ability to influence the distribution of pressure formations in Europe. Occasionally, it may even make its way to Europe itself as a post-tropical storm. The Ventusky application allows for the illustration of the interdependence of the entire system, displaying the development of pressure, wind, cloud cover, precipitation, and temperature on the weer meteor
I've been fascinated with teaching people to build apps since the success of the Discover Meteor book in 2013. In many ways, writing a book about Meteor was straightforward: at the time it was a completely closed system with one templating system; one router; one build tool; one database and one data transport.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d know that the number of options for building apps in JavaScript continues to grow without bound. How is a developer supposed to make sense of it all?

Through a series of posts, follow along as I build a Todo List using what I’ve found to be the most innovative and production ready tools as of early 2017. We’ll walkthrough the basics of creating an application using the same tech employed by both massive companies like Facebook and the developer community-at-large (per the State of JS).graphql meteor react javascript unity
A topic that has come up numerous times in consulting calls, among students in my Learn React Native Meteor course, and on issues for react-native-meteor is offline support. In short, how can I do make my React Native Meteor app offline capable?

I’ve thought about this before but never came to a great conclusion — especially for data that is coming in from a publication. The solutions I always came up with before relied on the user having to set up Redux in their app.

Through various conversations I’ve found that many people aren’t using Redux in their React Native Meteor app, which is perfectly fine. Minimongo does many of the same things as Redux and it’s what Meteor developers are used to.meteor react redux
SuperMongol is an in-app administration tool made just for Meteor. It's loaded with developer-friendly functionality to help you handle many real-world app situations with ease, as well as make customer service dramatically easiermeteor
A common question (or series of questions) that I’ve had over the last few months is “what do you use for X?”. Today I’ll walk you through a few of the modules and services we’ve used in a production app that uses React Native (iOS & Android) and Meteor (backend).meteor react
This week’s post is a short one and more of a thought exercise rather than a tutorial. It stems from a comment made by Abhi Aiyer on a recent edition of the Crater podcast. He made a great point about using Meteor methods rather than Meteor’s pub/sub system for mobile applications.


If you’ve developed for a mobile platform you know that internet connections can be spotty, slow, and drop randomly. This isn’t a great situation when you’re building an app that depends on a constant connection to create your real time app. How does your app respond when the connection is reestablished? What happens if your user makes a new subscription when they’re not connected to the internet? How does your UI manage a drop in connection?

There are quite a few cases… so why try and handle all of those if you don’t have to?meteor react
If you’ve been following this blog you’ve probably heard me talk about using React with Meteor before.

A common misconception about React is that it’s hard to learn. It’s not! So let me show you how if you already know JavaScript, you too can learn enough React to build Meteor apps in less than 15 minutes.meteor react javascript
Meteor 1.3 was just released this week, and it’s looking like it will introduce quite a bit of change in the Meteor ecosystem.

While these changes are all welcome improvements to the platform, they also mean parts of Discover Meteor might not be quite as relevant anymore.

We’re thinking on how to best update the book, but it’s a pretty major undertaking. So in the meantime, I’ve created a lesson plan for anybody who wants to stay up do date on the latest best practices, and doesn’t mind doing some studying by themselves.

I estimate going through the whole plan should take around 4-6 weeks for someone who’s completely unfamiliar with React or Meteor (but does have some programming basics).

And if you want to find some study partners to keep you company along the way, I recommend signing up for CodeBuddies (made with Meteor of course!).meteor react test
We compiled this course with the experience we gained from building Kadira and helping Meteor developers.es2015 meteor javascript
If you read the articles I publish weekly you know that I’m a fan of React Native and Meteor. I use them everyday and I spend time teaching how to use them every night.

When you’re building a React or React Native app you’re likely going to end up using some flavor of Flux. I personally use Redux.

I’ll be doing a full in-depth overview of how to use Redux in a React Native app in my upcoming course (sign up for my email list for details!) but today I want to talk through setting up the store for your Redux implementation. It’s something that you’re rarely going to touch once it’s set up, can be confusing when you start a new project, and is pretty important.

So today I want to talk you through how I configure a store for Redux — purely opinion but it works for me�:)pc meteor react redux
We’re pleased to announce Meteor 1.4, with major updates to Node and MongoDB, and a more flexible and community-oriented release process. The 1.4 release focuses on long term stability for the platform, continues our work to align Meteor with the wider JavaScript ecosystem, and positions us to work closer with the community than ever before.

Here are the highlights: We’ve updated Node to the long term supported version 4.4.7. We’re also shipping the latest MongoDB 3.2.6. This version of MongoDB includes the performant WiredTiger storage engine, now enabled by default. We’ve also introduced flexibility in the way Meteor pins core package versions to a release. This empowers community maintainers of core packages such as Blaze to release updates faster, independent of the Meteor release schedule.

Run meteor update to upgrade existing apps or visit the Meteor install page if you’re just getting started. Be sure to visit our documentation, including the Migrating to 1.4 section of the guide if you’re updating.meteor test javascript
A question I commonly get when discussing my React Native Meteor boilerplate is in regards to what is actually going on with the two apps. How are things set up?

This is a great question and will make debugging any issues you have much easier. I‘ve covered this in the past but that post is now outdated and I wanted to make a proper update that accurately represents the tools I use today to build apps with React Native and Meteor.

So today we’ll cover:

  • Creating the Meteor App
  • Creating the React Native App
  • Making the two talk to each other
  • Using Meteor Methods
  • Using Pub/Sub
meteor react
In many React apps, we follow the Container pattern with whatever container library we use, whether it’s Redux, React Komposer, Meteor or something else. We have a set of presentational UI components with some containers that wrap UI components with the data.meteor react test redux
This is a short tutorial to help you test your React UI components. It presents a simple UI testing pattern I contributed to the Meteor Guide and Todos sample app.meteor react test
Meteor is mainly for the web, but what how can we stay up to date when we step away from our desktops and laptops? Having a mobile app version of your webapp can let people get updates through push notifications.

If you’ve never used React Native and Meteor before, you should check out the great tutorials by Spencer Carli on the subject.meteor react
Screenshot of the Linux version of Meteor running on Windows 10 without a VM under Windows 10 Linux compatibility layer.meteor
Generated: 2025-02-18 22:58
Compiled: 2024-10-13 14:46
Guido Van Hoecke